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Posts tagged naps
Routines - Parent Consultation case study (4 month old baby)

Written by Lucy Oladapo, Family Consultant. This family came to us for a parent consultation, not because they were having any major difficulties but because Mum wanted some support in putting a routine in place for baby. The catch was that it needed to fit in around their 3 year old’s daily routine including nursery drop offs and pick ups.

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Sleep - Parent Consultation case study (7 month old baby)

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This family came to us for a 1:1 parent consultation because sleep deprivation from their 7 month old not sleeping was affecting the whole family. Dad was in the spare room to make sure they weren’t both exhausted all day, their older child wasn’t getting the attention they wanted to give her, mum was exhausted and dreading naps and night-time and little one was grumpy and fractious.

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I don’t want to be ‘nap trapped’!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This is a phrase that I hear a lot from parents when looking at sleep and it can be something which puts parents off working on naps with their little ones. 

So, what do I mean by ‘nap trapped’?

Napped trapped is when parents and carers can feel that they are ‘trapped’ at home because their little one needs to be in their cot for their naps and/or due to the timings of the naps it can mean that they are having to miss out of things such as classes, groups or going for a coffee with a friend etc.

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Why does my little one wake within an hour of going to bed?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Do you find that you put your little one to bed at night and they go off to sleep, but then wake up anywhere between 20 to 60 mins after they have gone to bed and need resettling? This is often to referred to as a ‘false start bedtime’ and it often means that you have to go back to your little one to resettle them or in some cases repeat the bedtime routine so that they go back off to sleep. For some once your little one is settled after this then they tend to sleep for a longer period, or for some it can be for the remainder of the night.

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Is your little one ready to drop a nap?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Looking at our little one’s naps can be a huge focus for the first few years, from things such as ‘are their naps too short?’, ‘too long?’, ‘are they napping too much or not enough?’ – it can be all consuming. We then finally feel that we have got the nap timings nailed and it is all going well, and then we start to notice that things are changing again. This is when we have to prepare for what is often referred to as a ‘nap transition’ so this might be going from 3 naps per day down to 2, 2 naps to 1 and then (sadly!) the day when it goes from 1 nap to no nap!

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How can I get my baby / toddler to nap for longer?

Written by Claire Burgess and Emily Darwell, Family Consultants. This blog will take you through what is considered a ‘short nap’, why not sleeping for long enough might be a problem and how you can help your babies and toddlers to sleep for longer!

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Tricky sleeper? Sleep associations – the sleep habits we want to create!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Is your baby or child tricky to get to sleep at bedtime? Do they have multiple wake ups during the night? Are they difficult to get to nap? If any of these things sound familiar, then this blog is for you!

When supporting parents with their children’s sleep there are lots of aspects that we need to look at including routine, their sleep environment and how you put your little down at bedtime and for naps. These points can often be the key pieces of information we need to look at in order to be able to help solve any sleep issues that you might be experiencing with your child.

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